At Lynx Brand Fence Products, we’ve adapted our services in response to the coronavirus pandemic to ensure the safety of our workers and clients.
At Lynx Brand Fence Products, we’ve adapted our services in response to the coronavirus pandemic to ensure the safety of our workers and clients while continuing to provide custom fencing solutions in Alberta and British Columbia. Here’s an overview of the protocols recommended by the Canadian Construction Association to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 on worksites. AWARENESS
Health and safety policies implemented in response to the pandemic should be communicated to workers and clearly outlined on signage posted at construction site entry points. All workers should also be informed of practices recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada to reduce the risk of transmission. Throughout their shift, workers should: Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds Avoid touching their face or food with unwashed hands Cough and sneeze into a tissue or their elbow Refrain from sharing phones, pens, tools and other items Maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from others
The entry and exit for personnel from the worksite should be closely monitored and controlled to ensure a minimum physical distance of two metres can be maintained at all times. Additionally, all non-essential individuals should be prohibited from accessing the site. Whenever possible, workers should use an individual mode of transportation, such as a car or bicycle, to travel to and from the worksite. CLEANING
All frequently touched surfaces in common areas and around the jobsite should be wiped down at least twice a day with a disinfectant. This includes door handles, railings, ladders, switches, controls, tables and faucets. Commonly touched surfaces on vehicles and equipment should also be disinfected between shifts. Additional hand washing and sanitizing stations should be available at entrances and exits as well as in washrooms and eating areas on the jobsite. DELIVERIES
Delivery zones should be clearly demarcated and strictly limited to receivers and deliverers. Products should be unloaded by workers wearing personal protective equipment while the deliverers remain in their vehicle. Whenever possible, personnel should refrain from exchanging items such as shipment documents and pens for signatures. FENCING CONTRACTORS IN WESTERN CANADA
Lynx Brand Fence Products is your continued source for commercial and residential fencing in Calgary, Kelowna and Red Deer during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information about our services or to place an order, contact us by phone or email today.